"Your attitude, not your aptitude,
will determine your altitude."
Willpower, tenacity, analytical skills are the qualities that make the difference in the path to your goals. Markets change quickly and understanding the direction before others do gives you a great competitive advantage. If you are doing things the way you did them 5 years ago, don't be surprised if you don't achieve the same results today.
Capitalising and sharing knowledge
Experience @Work
How valuable is the knowledge, culture and experience of your sales force?
Selling products or services are two completely different processes. It is not a question of sales technique but culture, of a different approach to the prospect. If the sales method that has guaranteed your success until yesterday no longer works, you must have the courage to question yourself, analyse the market, study your competitors and develop a new approach. To do this, you need culture and experience for your sales force; you need to invest and build a collaborative environment rather than a competitive one to encourage knowledge sharing and transfer.
Analyse, Understand and Plan
Analyse, Understand and Plan
The GOAL is a dream with a DEADLINE...
...and fail isn't an option!
Napoleon Hill's phrase is a perfect summary of what I consider a winning approach. When I hear about "resilience" in business development I cringe. Resilience includes concepts such as adaptation, survival and strengthening in a condition of danger, trauma or dramatic change. An oxymoron of my business development concept. A sales manager and his sales force see market trends, analyse them, manage them and plan actions and strategies. Managing sales is not about adapting to change but about being part of the change.